Dry Eye Syndrome and Care in Spring Branch
Do your eyes feel-
– Fatigued at the end of the day?
– Issues with contact lens comfort?
– Scratchy/gritty feeling?
– Excess tearing?
– Red eyes?
Dry eye syndrome is clinically defined as a chronic lack of moisture and sufficient lubrication of eye that is usually seen more in women.
Causes of dry eyes
– Heavy digital device use/heavy reading
– Prolonged CL wear
– LASIK surgery
– Use of allergy drugs, birth control, and other drugs
How to manage your Dry Eye
-Blink – this wont be easy but remind your self to blink more while on digital devices or while reading- take a short break once an hour to let your eyes refocus and re-moisturize. Or if you are hitting the books hard or have alot of work to do on laptop/computer keep some artificial tears close by (no visine/clear eyes) – they don’t have good quality ingredients in them. Use the drops once in both eyes every 3-4 hours.
– Find a balance with CL wear – contact lenses pull moisture away from your eyes and that is why they feel drier at the end of the day. If your staying in and not going out – wear your glasses while at home. The eyes will thank you for the rest away from CL wear.
-Hydrate- Especially during summer months – staying hydrated will keep you from feeling groggy and help replenish your tears. Being dehydrated will deplete your eyes of their natural fluid. Its still important to stay hydrated during all parts of the year still!
-Check your medications- talk to your doctor if you notice a new medication your taking maybe causing your dry eyes.
-Nutrition your eyes will love you more if you consume less sugar and processed foods and up your omega 3 intake from common foods such as salmon, walnuts, egg yolks.
If these tips aren’t helping schedule an appointment to see Dr. Alfaro or Dr. Tran so they can diagnose the severity of your dry eyes and create an effective treatment plan for you.