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Meet Erica Alfaro, O.D.

Vision Source Westview is very pleased to introduce Dr. Erica Alfaro to our patients. Dr. Alfaro comes to us from the University of Houston college of Optometry where she specialized in fitting contacts and treatment of eye disease. Prior to that she examined patients at the Naval Medical Center in Balboa Park in San Diego. Dr. Alfaro has cared for several diverse groups of patients including Veterans, the legally blind, difficult contact lens patients and has done so with great dedication.


When I was in high school during my annual visits to the eye doctor, I realized more and more that the optometry profession matched my skill set and my desire to help people. While studying at University of Incarnate Word, I worked as a doctor’s assistant at a Vision Source in San Antonio to gain more perspective of the field.

I am currently a preceptor for 4th year optometry students at Good Neighbor Clinic where I help educate and guide graduating student doctors on fine tuning their skills as soon to be real world optometrists. I also participate in a vision program called See to Succeed at Good Neighbor clinic which provides hundreds of eye exams to children in the local area in need of glasses.

I am a member of American Optometric Association ( AOA) and Harris County Optometric Society (HCOS). These groups I participate in help further the profession of optometry and help me get continued education that allows me to keep up to date with the latest treatments in eye disease.

I was born and raised in San Antonio. Go Spurs! I went to Brackenridge high school and University of Incarnate World where I received a bachelor’s degree in psychology and biology. I like to run and participate in marathons and am a big beer fanatic. I have a 4 year old daughter named Sara who keeps me on my toes.

Thanks for visiting our site and I hope to see you soon,

Erica Alfaro